
کیاسمای اپتیک

Optic chiasma : The X-shaped structure formed at the point below the brain where the two optic nerves cross over each other : کیاسمای اپتیک ساختار […]

بن بست سوپرا اپتیک

Supraoptic recess : A diverticulum that sits at the junction of the floor and anterior wall of the third ventricle, immediately above the optic chiasm : […]

رابط قدامی

Anterior commissure : A band of nerve fibers crossing from one side of the brain to the other just anterior to the third ventricle : رابط […]

اتصال بین تالاموسی

Interthalamic adhesion : Is a flattened band of tissue that connects both parts of the thalamus at their medial surfaces : اتصال بین تالاموسی نواری پهن […]

غده پینه آل

Pineal gland : A small, typically cone-shaped structure of the brain that arises from the roof of the third ventricle, is enclosed by the pia mater, […]

شبکه کوروئید

Choroid plexus : A highly vascular portion of the pia mater that projects into the ventricles of the brain and secretes cerebrospinal fluid :شبکه کوروئید بخشی […]