
غشای مدولاری فوقانی

Superior medullary velum: Is a thin, transparent lamina of white matter, which stretches between the superior cerebellar peduncles :غشای مدولاری فوقانی تیغه نازک و شفاف از […]

مثلث واگ

Vagal trigon: A prominence in the floor of the inferior fovea of the fourth ventricle that overlies the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus :مثلث واگ […]

مثلث هایپوگلوسال

Hypoglossal trigone: A slight elevation in the floor of the inferior recess of the fourth ventricle which is the nucleus of origin of the twelfth cranial […]

الیاف قوسی میانی

Medial arcuate fibers: A fiber bundle that extends across the midline of the medulla. Many of the fibers consist of axons traveling from the nucleus gracilis […]

برجستگی میانی

Medial eminence: A longitudinal elevation in the rhomboid fossa which describes the medial elevation in the floor of fourth ventricle :برجستگی میانی یک برآمدگی طولی در […]

کولیکولوس صورتی

Facial colliculus: Is an elevation on the floor of the fourth ventricle and is not formed by the facial nerve nucleus, but by the fibers of […]