Anterior median fissure: Groove along the anterior midline of the spinal cord that incompletely divides it into symmetrical halves :شکاف میانی قدامی ناودانی در طول خط […]
Posterior median sulcus: Shallow groove along the midline of the posterior part of the spinal cord that separates the two posterior funiculi :شیار میانی خلفی ناودانی […]
Lateral funiculus: A longitudinal division on each side of the spinal cord that comprises white matter between the dorsal and ventral roots :فانیکولوس خارجی بخشی طولی […]
Anterior funiculus: A longitudinal division on each side of the spinal cord that comprises white matter between the anterior median fissure and the ventral root :فانیکولوس […]
Posterior funiculus: A longitudinal division on each side of the spinal cord that comprises white matter between the dorsal root and the posterior median sulcus :فانیکولوس […]