
خم دئودنوژژنال

Duodenojejunalflexure :Is the border between the duodenum and the jejunum کناره ی مابین دوازدهه و ژژنوم است


Duodenum : Is the first section of the small intestine.It is divided anatomically into four sections: The first (superior) part is a continuation from the pylorus […]

چین های معدی

Gastric folds: Are coiled sections of tissue that exist in the mucosal and submucosal layers of the stomach قسمت های پیچ خورده ی بافت هستند که […]

بریدگی کاردیاک معده

Cardiac notch of stomach : The left margin of the stomach joins the greater curvature at an acute angle, termed the cardiac notch کناره ی چپ […]

بریدگی زاویه ای

Angular notch : Is a small notch on the stomach located on the lesser curvature of the stomach near the pyloric end and is used as […]

چادرینه ی بزرگ

Greater omentum : Is a large apron-like fold of visceral peritoneum that hangs down from the stomach چین بزرگ پیش بندی شکل از صفاق احشایی است […]