
لوزه زبانی

Palatine tonsil : A large oval mass of lymphoid tissue embedded in the lateral wall of the oral pharynx on either side between the palatogloss fold […]

لوزه زبانی

Lingual tonsil : A collection of lymphoid follicles on the posterior or pharyngeal portion of the tongue :لوزه زبانی تجمعی از فولیکول های لنفاوی در قسمت […]

لوزه حلقی (آدنوئید)

Pharyngeal tonsil (Adenoid) : A mass of lymphatic tissue located behind the nasal cavity, in the roof of the nasopharynx :لوزه حلقی (آدنوئید) توده ای از […]

حلق حنجره

Laryngopharynx : The part of the pharynx lying below the aperture of the larynx and behind the larynx; it extends from the vestibule of the larynx […]

حلق بینی

Nasopharynx : The part of the pharynx that lies above the soft palate; anteriorly it opens into the nasal cavities through the choanae; inferiorly, it communicates […]

حلق دهانی

Oropharynx : The portion of the pharynx that lies posterior to the mouth; it is continuous above with the nasopharynx via the pharyngeal isthmus and below […]