
عصب کورداتیمپانی

Chorda tympani nerve : A branch of the facial nerve that originates from the taste buds in the front of the tongue, runs through the middle […]

استخوانچه چکشی

Hammer (malleolus) bone : A hammer-shaped bone in the middle ear which connects with the incus and is attached to the inner surface of the eardrumand […]

استخوانچه سندانی

Incus bone : An anvil-shaped bone between the malleus and the stapes in the mammalian middle ear and consist of body, short limb, long limb and […]


Umbo : The central, most inverted portion of the ear drum :اومبو قسمت مرکزی پرده ی صماخ که بیشترین فرورفتگی را دارد

پرده صماخ

Tympanic membrane : Thin layer of tissue in the human ear that receives sound vibrations from the outer air and transmits them to the auditory ossicles […]

عضله ی کشنده ی پرده صماخ

Tensor tympani muscle : :عضله کشنده ی پرده صماخ Origin: Auditory tube مبدا: لوله ی شنوایی Insertion: Handle of malleus انتها: دسته ی استخوان چکشی Innervation: […]