
کولون نزولی

Descending colon : Is the part of the large intestine from the splenic flexure to the beginning of the sigmoid colon بخشی از روده بزرگ است […]

کولون صعودی

Transverse colon :Is the middle part of the large intestine, passing across the abdomen from right to left below the stomach بخش میانی روده ی بزرگ […]

کولون صعودی

Ascending colon : Is the first main part of the large intestine, which passes upwards from the caecum on the right side of the abdomen بخش […]


Appendix:Is a finger-like, blind-ended tube connected to the cecum لوله ای بن بست و شبیه انگشت که به سکوم متصل است


Cecum : Is an intraperitonealpouch that is considered to be the beginning of the large intestine. It is typically located on the right side of the […]

ریشه ی مزانتر(روده بند)

Root of the mesentery:The mesentery of the small intestine arises from the root of the mesentery. The root of the mesentery extends from the duodenojejunal flexure […]