
شریان پریکاردیوفرنیک

Pericardiophrenic artery: Is a branch of the internal thoracic artery that originates at the level of the lower margin of the manubrium and runs with the […]

شریان ساب کلاوین راست

Right subclavian artery: Arises from the brachiocephalic artery :شریان ساب کلاوین راست از شریان براکیوسفالیک منشعب می شود

رباط شریانی

Ligamentum arteriosum: Is a small ligament that is the remnant of the ductus arteriosus formed within three weeks after birth. At the superior end, the ligamentum […]

مجرای سینه ای

Thoracic duct: Usually starts from the level of the T12 and extends to the root of the neck. It drains into the systemic circulation at the […]

شریان های بین دنده ای خلفی

Posterior intercostal arteries: Are arteries that supply blood to the intercostal spaces. There are eleven posterior intercostal arteries on each side :شریان های بین دنده ای […]

شریان براکیوسفالیک

Brachiocephalic artery: Is the first and largest branch of the aortic arch that supplies the head, neck and the right arm. It runs upwards to the […]