Carotid groove: A broad groove on the inner surface of the sphenoid bone lateral to its body ناودان کاروتید: ناودانی عریض بر سطح داخلی استخوان اسفنوئید […]
Tuberculum sellae: Is the ridged process of the sphenoid bone which forms the anterior wall of the sella turcica توبرکولوم سلا: زائده ی ستیغ شکل استخوان […]
Posterior clinoid prcesses: The posterior boundary of the superior surface of sphenoid bone is formed by a square-shaped plate of bone, the dorsum sellæ; ending at […]
Middle clinoid process : An inconstant, small spur of bone on the body of the sphenoid, posterolateral to (and occasionally continuous with) the tuberculum sellae زائده […]