
صفحه ی عمودی استخوان کامی

Perpendicular plate of palatine: A long thin vertical bony plate forming part of the palatine bone صفحه ی عمودی استخوان کامی: صفحه ای استخوانی افقی نازک […]

زائده هرمی پالاتین

Pyramidal process of palatine: Projects backward and lateralward from the junction of the horizontal and vertical parts of palatine bone زائده هرمی پالاتین: زائده ای که […]

سوراخ های پالاتین کوچک

Lesser palatine foramina: Openings on the hard palate of palatine canals passing vertically through the tuberosity of the palatine bone and transmitting the smaller palatine nerves […]

سوراخ کامی بزرگ

Greater palatine foramen: An opening in the posterolateral corner of the hard palate opposite the last molar tooth, marking the lower end of the pterygopalatine canal […]

ستیغ پالاتین

Palatine crest : A transverse ridge near the posterior border of the bony palate, located on the inferior surface of the horizontal plate of the palatine […]

خار بینی خلفی

Posterior nasal spine: The spine formed by medial ends of the horizontal processes of the palatine bones at the very back of the hard palate خار […]