
حفره ی پتریگوئید

Pterygoid fossa: A V-shaped depression on the posterior part of each pterygoid process that is formed by the divergence posteriorly of its medial and lateral pterygoid […]

حفره ی اسکافوئید

Scaphoid fossa: Above the pterygoid fossa is a small, oval, shallow depression, the scaphoid fossa, which gives origin to the Tensor veli palatini حفره ی اسکافوئید: […]

زائده ی هومولوس پتریگوئید

Hamulus process of pterygoid: A hook-like process at the lower extremity of the medial pterygoid plate of the sphenoid bone زائده ی هومولوس پتریگوئید: زائده ای […]

صفحه خارجی پتریگوئید

Lateral plate of pterygoid: A broad thin plate that forms the lateral part of the pterygoid process and gives attachment to the lateral pterygoid muscle on […]

صفحه داخلی پتریگوئید

Medial plate of pterygoid: A long narrow plate that forms the medial part of the pterygoid process, terminates in the pterygoid hamulus, and forms with its […]

توبروزیته ی فک بالا

Maxillary tuberosity: The bulging lower extremity of the posterior surface of the body of the maxilla, behind the root of the last molar tooth توبروزیته ی […]