
شریان کاروتید داخلی

Internal carotid artery: Terminal branch of the common carotid artery and arises most frequently between C3 and C5 vertebral level. :شریان کاروتید شاخه انتهایی شریان کاروتید […]

شریان مغزی میانی

Middle cerebral artery: Is one of the three major paired arteries that supply blood to the brain which arises from the internal carotid artery (ICA) :شریان […]

ورید مهره ای

Vertebral vein: Is a highly anastomotic network of valveless veins running along the entire length of the vertebral column from the foramen magnum to the sacral […]

شریان قاعده ای

Basilar artery: Is part of the blood supply system for the brain and central nervous system and formed where the two vertebral arteries join at the […]

شریان های مهره ای

Vertebral arteries: The right and left vertebral arteries arise from the subclavian arteries, medial to the anterior scalene muscle and then ascend up the posterior side […]

لوب خلفی مخچه

Posterior lobe of cerebellum: Is the portion of the cerebellum below the primary fissure :لوب خلفی مخچه بخشی از مخچه که در زیر شکاف اولیه است