
قوس پالمار سطحی

Superficial palmar arch: Is formed predominantly by the ulnar artery, with a contribution from the superficial palmar branch of the radial artery :قوس پالمار سطحی عمدتا […]

شاخه پالمار کارپال شریان اولنار

Palmar carpal branch of ulnar artery: Is a small vessel which crosses the front of the carpus beneath the tendons of the Flexor digitorum profundus, and […]

قوس پالمار کارپال

Palmar carpal arch: Is the combination of these arteries: the palmar carpal branch of radial artery and the palmar carpal branch ofulnar artery. This anastomosis is […]

شریان بین استخوانی قدامی

Anterior interosseous artery: It is a branch of the common interosseous artery and supplies the deep layer of the anterior compartment of the forearm :شریان بین […]

شریان رادیال

Radial artery: Originates in the cubital fossa from the brachial artery. It traverses the lateral aspect of the forearm :شریان رادیال در حفره کوبیتال از شریان […]

شریان اولنار

Ulnar artery: Is the larger of the two terminal branches of the brachial, begins a little below the bend of the elbow, and, passing obliquely downward, […]