The lobes of the right lung: The right lung has two fissures, oblique fissure and horizontal fissure, which separate the lung into three lobes: superior, middle […]
Mediastinal (medial) surface of the lung: Is in contact with the mediastinum. The lung hilum is located on this surface :سطح مدیاستینال (داخلی) ریه در تماس […]
Base (diaphragmatic surface) of lungs: Is broad, concave, and rests upon the convex surface of the diaphragm :قاعده ی (سطح دیافراگماتیک) ریه پهن و مقعرشکل است […]
Primary bronchi (principal bronchi): The trachea divides at the carina into two main or primary bronchi, the left bronchus and the right bronchus :(نایژه ی اولیه […]