

Lingula: The margin of the mandibular foramen is irregular; it presents in front a prominent ridge, surrounded by a sharp spine, the lingula of the mandible […]

سوراخ فک تحتانی

Mandibular foramen: The opening on the medial surface of the ramus of the mandible that leads into the mandibular canal and transmits blood vessels and nerves […]

حفره ی تحت فکی

Submandibular fossa: An impression on the medial side of the body of the mandible below the mylohyoid line حفره ی تحت فکی: قسمتی در سمت داخل […]

خار چانه ای

Mental spines: Either of two small elevations on the inner surface of each side of the symphysis of the lower jaw of which the superior one […]

حفره ی پتریگوئید

Pterygoid fovea: A concave surface on the uppermost medial side of the ramus of the mandible حفره ی پتریگوئید: سطحی مقعر در بالاترین بخش داخلی شاخ […]

خط مایل

Oblique line: A ridge continuing from the line of the anterior border of the mandibular ramus خط مایل: یک برجستگی امتداد یافته از خط کناره ی […]