
مفصل ساکروایلیاک

Sacroiliac joint: Is the joint between the sacrum and the ilium bones of the pelvis, which are connected by strong ligaments :مفصل ساکروایلیاک مفصل بین استخوانهای […]

سمفیز پوبیس

Pubic symphysis: Is a secondary cartilaginous joint located between the left and right pubic bones near the midline of the body :سمفیز پوبیس یک مفصل غضروفی […]

پرونئال رتیناکولوم

Peroneal retinaculum: Are fibrous retaining bands which bind down the tendons of the peroneus longus and brevis :پرونئال رتیناکولوم نوارهای نگهدارنده هستند که تاندونهای پرونئوس لونگوس […]

اکستنسوررتیناکولوم تحتانی پا

Inferior extensor retinaculum of the foot: Is Y shaped and is located distal to the superior extensor retinaculum at the dorsal aspect of the foot. The […]

اکستنسور رتیناکولوم فوقانی پا

Superior extensor retinaculum of the foot: Is the upper part of the extensor retinaculum of foot which extends horizontally to the fibula and in the middle […]


Iliotibial tract : Is a longitudinal fibrous reinforcement of the fascia lata. It originates at the anterolateral iliac tubercle portion of the external lip of the […]