
عصب اکسسوری

Accessory nerve : Is a cranial nerve that supplies innervation of the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles :عصب اکسسوری عصبی مغزی است که عصب عضلات استرنوکلیدماستوئید و […]

عصب زیر زبانی

Hypoglossal nerve: Is the twelfth cranial nerve, and innervates all the extrinsic and intrinsic muscles of the tongue, except for the palatoglossus which is innervated by […]

عصب کورداتیمپانی

Chorda tympani nerve : Is a branch of the facial nerve that originates from the taste buds in the front of the tongue, runs through the […]

عصب به عضلات اینفراهایوئید

Nerve to infrahyoid muscles : Branches from the ansa cervicalis innervate most of the infrahyoid muscles :عصب به عضلات اینفراهایوئید شاخه هایی از قوس گردنی که […]