
حفره تروکانتریک

Trochanteric fossa: The medial surface of the greater trochanter has at its base a deep depression, called the trochanteric fossa, bounded posteriorly by the intertrochanteric crest […]

برجستگی گلوتئال

Gluteal tuberosity: Is the lateral ridge of the linea aspera. It is very rough and runs almost vertically upward to the base of the greater trochanter […]

لینه آ آسپرا (خط زبر)

Linea aspera (rough line) : Is a prominent longitudinal ridge or crest, on the middle third of the posterior surface of the femur, presenting a medial […]

ستیغ بین تروکانتری

Intertrochanteric crest: Is a bony ridge located on the posterior side of the head of the femur, stretching obliquely downward and medially from the summit of […]

خط بین تروکانتری

Intertrochanteric line: Is a line located on the anterior side of the proximal end of the femur between the greater trochanter and lesser trochanter :خط بین […]

تروکانتر کوچکتر (تروکانتر کوچک) استخوان ران

Lesser trochanter (small trochanter): Is a small protuberance of bone that projects from the posterior aspect of the femur, inferomedially at the base of the femoral […]