
آئورت نزولی

Descending aorta: Begins at the aortic arch and runs down through the chest and abdomen :آئورت نزولی از ادامه قوس آئورت شروع شده و به سمت […]

آئورت صعودی

Ascending aorta: Is a portion of the aorta commencing at the upper part of the base of the left ventricle, on a level with the lower […]

ورید همی آزیگوس فرعی

Accessory hemiazygos vein: Is a vein on the left side of the vertebral column that generally drains the fifth through eighth intercostal spaces on the left […]

ورید همی آزیگوس

Hemiazygos vein: Is a vein running superiorly in the lower thoracic region, just to the left side of the vertebral column :ورید همی آزیگوس وریدی است […]

ورید آزیگوس

Azygos vein: Is a vein running up the side of the thoracic vertebral column draining itself towards the superior vena cava :ورید آزیگوس سیاهرگی است که […]

ورید براکیوسفالیک

Brachiocephalic vein: Is a vein that returns oxygen-depleted blood from the upper limbs, neck and head to the heart :ورید براکیوسفالیک وریدی است که خون کم […]