
ورید قلبی میانی

Middle cardiac vein: Accompanies the posterior interventricular artery. It courses in the posterior interventricular groove and drains directly into the coronary sinus close to its termination […]

ورید قلبی بزرگ

Great cardiac vein: Begins at the apex of the heart and ascends along the anterior interventricular sulcus to the base of the ventricles. It then curves […]

ورید های قلبی قدامی

Anterior cardiac veins: Comprise a variable number of small vessels, usually between two and five, which collect blood from the front of the right ventricle and […]

شریان حاشیه ای چپ

Left marginal artery: Is a branch of the circumflex artery, traveling along the left margin of heart towards the apex of the heart :شریان حاشیه ای […]

شریانهای دیاگونال

Diagonal arteries: Branches of the anterior interventricular artery supply blood flow to the anterior and anterolateral walls of the left ventricle :شریانهای دیاگونال شاخه هایی از […]

شریان بین بطنی قدامی

Anterior interventricular artery: Is a branch of the left coronary artery. It descends on the sternocostal surface of the heart within the anterior interventricular groove :شریان […]