
اسفنکتر خارجی مقعد

External anal sphincter : Is a layer of voluntary (striated) muscle encircling the outside wall of the anal canal and anal opening. It consists of three […]

اسفنکتر داخلی مقعد

Internal anal sphincter :Is an involuntary smooth muscle sphincter located at the distal extremity of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract یک اسفنکتر غیر ارادی ازعضله صاف است […]

راست روده

Rectum : Is a part of the lower gastrointestinal tract. The rectum is a continuation of the sigmoid colon, and connects to the anus قسمتی از […]

تنیا لیبرا

Taenialibera : Or lateral band, is found on the medial side of the ascending and descending parts of the colon, and on the under aspect of […]

تنیا امنتالیس

Taeniaomentalis : Runs along the antero-superior surface of the transverse colon and is in relation to the line of attachment of the greater omentum در طول […]

خم کولیک چپ

Left colic flexure :Or splenic flexure is the bend in the large intestine in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen as the transverse colon continues […]