
دماغه ساکروم

Sacral promontory : The inwardly projecting anterior part of the body of the first sacral vertebra :دماغه ساکروم بیرون زدگی داخلی بخش قدامی تنه اولین مهره […]

زائده ی پستانی

Mammillary process : Project backward from the superior articular process and are short and round for the attachment of muscles :زائده ی پستانی زائده ای که […]

زائده فرعی

Accessory process : Is a variable, diminutive tubercle on the dorsal aspect of the base of the lumbar transverse process :زائده فرعی یک تکمه متغیر و […]

مهره های کمری

Lumbar vertebra : Are the five vertebrae between the rib cage and the pelvis. They are the largest segments of the vertebral column and are characterized […]

رویه دنده ای عرضی

Transverse costal facet : Is one of the costal facets, a site where a rib forms a joint with the transverse process of a thoracic vertebra […]

تنه مهره

Vertebral body : Is the thick oval segment of bone forming the front of the vertebra :تنه مهره قسمتی استخوانی ضخیم و بیضی شکلی است که […]