
عصب کف دستی انگشتان(ازعصب مدین)

Palmar digital nerve (from median): Digital cutaneous branches of median nerve divided to the proper palmar digital branch and the common palmar digital branch: The proper […]

شاخه عمقی عصب اولنار

Deep branch of the ulnar nerve: It accompanies the deep branch of the ulnar artery. It supplies the abductor digiti minimi muscle, flexor digiti minimi muscle, […]

عصب کف دستی انگشتان (ازعصب اولنار)

Palmar digital nerve (from ulnar): The superficial branch of the ulnar nerve divides into a proper palmar digital nerve, which supplies the medial side of the […]

شاخه سطحی عصب اولنار

Superficial branch of the ulnar nerve: Is a terminal branch of the ulnar nerve. It supplies the palmaris brevis muscle and the skin on the ulnar […]

عصب بین استخوانی قدامی

Anterior interosseous nerve: Is a purely motor branch of the median nerve that supplies the deep muscles on the anterior of the forearm, except the ulnar […]

شاخه سطحی عصب رادیال

Superficial branch of the radial nerve: Passes along the front of the radial side of the forearm to the commencement of its lower third. Above the […]