
عصب عضلانی جلدی

Musculocutaneous nerve: This nerve arises from the lateral cord of the brachial plexus.It innervates the biceps, brachialis, and coracobrachialis muscles. It then continues past the elbow […]

عصب تحت کتفی زیرین

Lower subscapular nerve: Is a nerve that supplies the lower part of the subscapularis muscle, and also supplies the teres major muscle. It consists of fibers […]

عصب مدین

Median nerve: Is a major peripheral nerve and supplies the flexor muscles in the forearm except flexor carpi ulnaris and the ulnar head of flexor digitorum […]

عصب اولنار

Ulnar nerve: Is a nerve that runs near the ulnar bone. It provides sensation to the forearm andthe anterior and posterior surfaces of the medial one […]

طناب خارجی

Lateral cord: Is formed from the anterior divisions of the superior and middle trunks :طناب خارجی از انشعاب قدامی تنه فوقانی تشکیل شده است

عضلات بین استخوانی پشت دستی

Dorsal interosseous muscles : :عضلات بین استخوانی پشت دستی Origin:Sides of metacarpals مبداء:سطوح استخوانهای متاکارپال Insertion:Extensor hoods of the thumb, index, ring and little fingers and […]